Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ghost Stories & Tales of the Unexplained that you might like...

Halloween is upon us again and whether you are "for" the holiday or "against" it, I thought you might enjoy reading some unique legends from Southern history.

Ghost stories and tales of unexplained creatures and events are part of our culture. Long before radio, tv and internet came along, our ancestors used to sit around fireplaces and campfires at night and tell stories. Some of these tales have been handed down for hundreds of years and others are a bit more recent.

Because we focus on Southern history and culture, we make a diligent effort to preserve the legends of our past (and present, in some cases). Here are a few of my favorites that I thought you might enjoy:
 You can read many others by visiting our special section on Ghosts, Monsters & Unexplained Mysteries at

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