Saturday, March 7, 2009

Threatened Florida State Parks will likely remain open!

Outstanding news from Tallahassee today on the future of nineteen Florida State Parks that have been facing threatened closure. Governor Charlie Crist has included funds to keep all of the parks operating in his annual budget proposal.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection had proposed temporarily or permanently closing a number of parks and historic sites due to budget problems, despite the fact that Florida has more than doubled its state budget in just the last ten years.

Among the parks and historic sites being considered for closure were:

The announcement that operating funds for keeping the parks open had been included in Governor Crist's new budget is a major step forward in saving the facilities, which include some of the most signficant historic sites in Florida. A spokesperson for the governor indicated that the public outpouring of support for the parks had much to do with the recommendation.

The final decision remains, but the news was a major breakthrough for lovers of Florida's historic sites and state parks.

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